Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Red Envelopes

So today I received a letter from my school about participating in a protest against abortion. I am supposed to write on an envelope something to the effect of "This envelope represents an unborn child who was killed. It is empty because the child never got to live his life." This letter is supposed to be addressed to President Obama.
Now, I must say I am extremely pro-life. I believe abortion is wrong and I hope to some day help offer an alternative by assisting young mothers with their children. I also believe it is the duty of Christians to stand up for injustice in the world.
However, is this really the way to do it? I guess the idea is all right. It is nonviolent. I suppose I just don't like the view many people in the school have taken against Obama. He is in their minds the "evil man who wants to kill babies." I know that is not true. I believe he stands for some very good things, and I don't see why he is so scorned.
My struggle is the struggle of where do I stand? Yes, I care about babies being murdered, but I also care about soldiers being murdered. If we can write a letter to Obama about abortion, why couldn't we write a letter to Bush about war?
Proverbs and 1 Peter both say to "seek peace and pursue it." Although I don't agree with the attitudes of many of those participating, maybe I can celebrate the fact that some are doing this out of pure motives - love for the babies made in the image of God. It is tragic that they are killed, because they are little portraits of God's image that we will never be able to experience. Some are not doing this because they stand for a political party, but because they stand for humanity.
So many things are involved in this, and I am still unsure of what I think.
Please, share your thoughts.

Live in peace and reflect Christ in all you do.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

A Simple Prayer

"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred.....let me sow love.
Where there is injury......pardon.
Where there is discord....unity.
Where there is
Where there is error......truth.
Where there is despair..hope.
Where there is
Where there is darkness...light.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be to console.
To be to understand.
To be to love.

It is in the giving.......that we receive.
It is in the pardoning...that we are pardoned.
It is in dying.................that we are born to eternal life."

-Saint Francis of Assisi